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Friday, October 8, 2010

Entry #7

To deepen my understanding of Bridge to Terabithia, I first had to learn more about the author, Katerine Paterson. How is she like? What was her inspiration for writing Bridge to Terabithia? These were questions I had in mind while researching. I came across the link: , where my first question was answered. Katerine Paterson is dedicated, intelligent, and strong. She overcame problems she faced in the beginning of her writing life and the problems she had while growing up. I learned that Katerine's first language was Chinese. She knew little about the United states and spoke little English. I wonder if she finds it hard to believe that she became a writer. Overall, she loves what she does and considers herself a fortunate person.

My second question was answered here: . It turns out her inspiration was based on a real life experience. Her son David's bestfriend, Lisa Hill, was stuck and killed by lightning. She tried to make sense out of the tradegy by writing Bridge to Terabithia. I learned that her inspiration is almost always based on her experiences. After reading a small part in the article in the website , I predict that she based Leslie on herself. Both of them faced similar problems and they both have similar characteristics. 

After researching, I find myself appreciating the book more. Now that I know more of the author and the book, it'll be easier to understand why Katerine Paterson mentioned certain things in Bridge to Terabithia.

1 comment:

  1. i liked how you organized your response. it helped me understand what you were saying more clearly.
