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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Research Writing Assignment

After reading and annotating two articles about illegal immigration I had new thoughts and new feelings about the topic. Illegal immigration continues to be a controversial topic throughout the world including in the U.S. I think that everyone should be allowed into a country unless they are a terrorist, of course. People who migrant, come into a new country just to get a better life, I don't see nothing wrong in that. I wish people would let them be, after all they don't mean harm.

In one of the articles it stated, "Other GOP candidates for governor have said they would push for tough laws like Arizona's." I feel that this is unnecessary because illegal immigrants have done nothing to be treated like this. I feel like it is slavery all over again because they are treated very poorly. In the United States, it prohibits employers from hiring illegal immigrants. Some employers ignore the regulations and hire illegal immigrants anyway, but this is not a good thing. The employers takes advantage of them and they do not pay them well, or they make them work in unsafe conditions. I hope that life will be better for all those undocumented people in the world in the future.

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Reading the articles about homelessness actually make me feel terrible. Homeless people are cold and hungry outside right now, while I'm busy typing away. The sad thing is that the majority of people ignore them. Avoiding eye contact, or crossing the other side of the street when a homeless person is walking, is something I see in Brooklyn, but a lot more in Manhattan. This has made me realize that we have become selfish people. As long as we're okay and not them is something I know many people think. There was this article about a guy named Tony, lost his job, became a drug addict, and became homeless. Just one mistake can change your life forever.

Based on my research, I learned that poverty is the main cause of homelessness. I feel like this could be the topic for my story. I'm not sure whether to do it from the homeless person's point of view or not. Homelessness is a very strong topic, but I'm pretty sure I could pull this off and turn it into a children's book.

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